Before You Purchase
You are purchasing Early Access
You will get immediate access to Magnetron.APP while it is being developed with the community's involvement. Magneton.APP will evolve as you use it, as you give feedback, and as we update and add content. Learn more.
Make sure to check out the free version
This software is non-returnable and non-refundable. By using it you accept that it is provided 'as is' without any warranties. No liability for damages arising from the use of this software will be accepted by the creators or distributors.
You are purchasing a single seat license.
This license can be activated on one machine at the time. If you like to activate another machine, you need to de-activate the license first by followin these instructions.
If you need help, please visit our support pages. If you can't find your answer or need assistance installing, activating or using Magnetron.APP feel free to contact us and we'll do our utmost best to help you out.
Keep in mind that recipes are system specific and therefor might not work on all systems or in all situations. Therefor recipe support is limited.
Do not put live animals in Magnetron.APP to dry. It won't work. We've tried that already.