Main Menu

The main menu gives access to the functions to manage magnetron. Open the main menu by clicking the three dots in the left bottom of the window. Or right-click anywhere in the file list. This will popup the following window

At the top you will find the options for the file list:

Add file/folders

open a dialog for selecting files and folders

Remove selected files

will remove the selected files from the filelist

Remove all files

will clear the entire file list

Clear group from selected files

will remove the groups numbers from the selected files in the file list.

'Recipe options' shows a submenu with the following options:

Config recipe

will show the configuration for the current recipe. Which varies per recipe. It could open a website with info or show a popup, or do nothing.

About recipe

will show the about for the current recipe. What this does varies per recipe. It could open a website with info or show a popup, or do nothing

Delete recipe

will remove the current selected recipe

Show output folder

will open the folder specified in the applications settings. If the recipe is using this folder for output will vary per recipe. (A recipe could for example also output the folder to the same folder as the input file)